Urinary Incontinence Treatment

Are you tired of leaking?

​Our experienced pelvic floor physiotherapists can help you with urinary incontinence and to regain control of your bladder and return to your daily life with confidence! We have been successful treating this problem both in-clinic and online.


Urinary incontinence is described as any involuntary loss of urine; even 1 drop counts! The pelvic floor muscles play a crucial role in urine, stool and flatulence continence. They help support the pelvic organs and, moreover, contribute to sexual function and lumbar stability. When these muscles are weak, too tight or lack coordination, several urinary symptoms and/or other problemsfecal complaintspainetc) in the pelvic region may occur. Perineal and pelvic rehabilitation aims to normalise bladder and bowel function, improve the Pelvic floor muscles ability to contract and relax, and improve your specific complaints. These problems are treated through an exercise-based approach, in order to allow you to return to your everyday activities with confidence.


Each type of urinary incontinence may have different driving factors:

Stress urinary incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine with activities that cause a pressure on the bladder. These include physical exertion or effort (e.g. lifting a heavy object, running, jumping), sneezing, coughing or laughing. The amount of urine leakage tends to be small, and it is generally related to the level and duration of physical effort. It is more common in women than men, and can affect girls and adolescents participating in high-level physical activity. In men, it is usually related to prostate surgeryStress incontinence can be due to problems with the support (hypermobility), the composition or innervation of the urethra, which affect the urethral sphincter’s ability to close properly. Pelvic floor muscle (including the urethral sphincter) weakness and decreased function are important factors in stress incontinence. Pelvic floor muscle training is often combined with lifestyle modifications in order to reduce or eliminate behavioral factors contributing to the problem.

Urge urinary incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine following a sudden and intense urge to urinate that cannot be controlled. It occurs when the contractions of the bladder (pushing the urine out) override the contractions of the urethral sphincter (closing the urethra to prevent the passage of urine). With urge incontinence, the amount of urine leakage tends to be largerUrinary urgency (the sudden urge to urinate) and pollakiuria (frequent micturition) are common symptoms of urge incontinence. These can be due to urinary tract infections, a neurologic disorder, other medical conditions such as diabetes or an overactive bladder, or due to the adoption of poor bathroom habits. Bladder retraining is part of the treatment of urge incontinence.

Mixed urinary incontinence is the coexistence of stress and urge urinary incontinence. This type is more common in older women.

Functional urinary incontinence is a loss of urine occurring when a physical or cognitive impairment (e.g. severe arthritis, mobility issue, dementia), unwillingness (e.g. depression), or an environmental barrier (e.g. facility not adapted for people with disabilities) prevents the person from going to and using the toilet on time. Improving the medical and physical conditions and environmental factors contributing to this type of incontinence will help treat and prevent it.
Overflow urinary incontinence is the frequent or constant loss of small volumes of urine caused by incomplete emptying of the bladder during micturition. This can be due to blockage of the urethra (e.g. a tumour, urinary stones, swelling, an enlarged prostate, pelvic floor muscle tension), weak bladder muscles, nerve damage from certain medical conditions (e.g. multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s), or medications (e.g. antidepressants). Removing the obstruction and restoring normal pelvic floor muscle function can help improve overflow incontinence.


In all of the above situations, a common denominator is the pelvic floor musculature.Normalizing any dysfunction in this group of muscles can go a long way toward alleviating your symptoms. At the same time, this is only one piece of the puzzle. Your physiotherapist will also evaluate the state of your abdominals, your current urinary and lifestyle habits, and any possible dysfunction in the surrounding joints and tissues to determine what the ideal course of action for your particular situation may be.

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