Sex Therapy

In clinics and online!

We're proud to be able to help people in Montreal and surrounding areas take care of their mental health with our sexology counselling sessions.


Sexology is a dynamic field dedicated to understanding and addressing various aspects of human sexuality. Sexologists, experts in this domain, explore topics such as sexual behavior, relationships, orientation, and identity through a multidisciplinary lens encompassing psychology, biology, sociology, and medicine, among others. Whether providing clinical support, conducting research, or advocating for policy change, sexologists play a vital role in fostering a more informed, positive, inclusive, and respectful approach to human sexuality.

Here at Active Solution Physiotherapy, our sexologist will be able to accompany you with sexual, affective, personal or interpersonal difficulties in a safe and judgment free environment.


Here’s a non-exhaustive list of what a sexologist can help you with :


Sexological counselling meeting includes :

Assessment of sexual development and behavior

At the start of the follow-up program, one or two 50-minute meetings will be devoted to assessing sexual development and behavior. The aim of this assessment is to paint as complete a picture as possible of the problem, as well as all the factors that may be influencing it. We will explore sexual development, puberty, interpersonal relationships, personal history, psychiatric and medical antecedents, past and present sexual behaviours, and so on. This assessment enables the sexologist to draw up a clinical understanding of your problem, and to identify the main factors contributing to its maintenance.

Goals and Intervention Plan

Following the assessment, the sexologist, in collaboration with you, develops goals to be achieved during the follow-up and means of achieving them that suit you.

Follow-up Meetings of 50 Minutes According to Established Goals

After developing the intervention plan, subsequent meetings will be 50-minute treatment sessions. The number of follow-ups depends on the client and the sexologist and will be discussed during the assessment.

Sexology workshops (Coming soon)

Sexology workshops led by a sexologist on various topics. 

The workshops are designed to provide you with information and tools you can use on a daily basis to promote well-being. The workshops are developed on a scientific basis, using evidence-based data from research in the fields of sexology and psychology.

Vaginismus support group

Support Group Objective: The discussion group on vaginismus aims to create a safe space for individuals suffering from vaginismus. The sessions are semi-guided discussions to explore the impacts of vaginismus on various aspects of life, particularly on sexual and relational spheres. Vaginismus is an invisible issue that affects individuals with a vagina in various aspects of life. The support group's goal is to bring visibility to this issue by providing a safe environment for those affected to share their experiences and struggles with others facing similar challenges.

Sexuality education 0-5 years :

The best protection, education. Workshop Objectives: The workshop aims to promote the protection of children aged 0-5 from sexual abuse through sexuality education. Indeed, safeguarding our youngest against abusive behaviors involves comprehensive sexual education covering anatomy, personal boundaries, consent, modesty, intimacy, and more! The workshop also includes a section aimed at distinguishing between normal sexual behaviors in child development and those that are problematic and warrant special attention.

Sexuality after pregnancy:

Embracing Intimacy: Navigating Postpartum Sexuality Workshop Objective: The workshop aims to provide you with information regarding resuming sexual activities following pregnancy and childbirth. It seeks to normalize fluctuations in sexual desire, bodily changes, as well as all emotions associated with this period of significant change. It also aims to be a space for exchange and support for individuals in the postpartum period experiencing difficulties in sexual and relational aspects.