Treatment for reduced sexual pleasure in people with a vulva

Do you have trouble getting pleasure in the bedroom?

Our experienced pelvic floor physiotherapists can help you regain sexual pleasure! We have been successful treating this problem both in-clinic and online.


Throughout their lives, some people may notice that compared to previous sexual encounters, they are having less pleasure than they once had. This can be expressed by:

decreased strength of orgasm

anorgasmia (difficulty or inability to achieve orgasm)

decreased sensation during sexual intercourse


There are many possible causes for decreased sexual pleasure :

  • Changes in hormones:
    • Decreased levels of estrogen during menopause or overall low levels of testosterone can contribute to low libido and decreased sensation.
  • Dyspareunia
  • Decreased tone and contractility of the pelvic floor muscles: Pelvic floor muscles
    • Decrease tone can lead to decreased friction during sexual relations. The appropriate amount of friction is what can build into a pleasurable experience. Furthermore, an orgasm is comprised of repetitive contractions of the pelvic floor which is perceived as pleasurable. If the contractions are not as strong, your orgasm might not be as powerful. Many things can affect the strength and tone of your pelvic floor including childbirth, abdominal or pelvic surgeries, back pain, the natural aging process, and many more.
  • Certain medications can decrease libido.
  • Lifestyle habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking can affect blood flow to your intimate areas and decrease ability to achieve orgasm.
  • Changes in hormones:
    Following the delivery of the baby and the delivery of the placenta, the woman experiences a drop in progesterone and estrogen, as well as an increase in prolactin. This hormonal cocktail causes vaginal dryness
  • Postpartum period: 
    Many people fear pain when resuming penetrative sex and this can contribute to reduced sexual pleasure and satisfaction. 
    A multitude of other factors contribute to a reduction in the perception of sexual pleasure, such as low body esteem, experiencing breastfeeding difficulties, co-sleeping with baby, going through perinatal bereavement, feeling fatigue, having a difficult postpartum, lack of time, having experienced a difficult/traumatic birth, etc.
  • Relationship
    Sexual desire and pleasure are linked to the quality of the couple relationship with one's partner. Indeed, the presence of things left unsaid, communication difficulties, unresolved arguments, issues linked to the education of children and a mental load linked to family and/or household tasks poorly distributed between partners are factors that lead to a drop in libido in a couple. 


Your pelvic floor physiotherapist will assess your situation globally, and determine whether they may be able to help you. Where they are most effective, is in teaching you how to address any dysfunctions in the pelvic floor muscles. Through a program of specific exercises, manual techniques and education regarding your lifestyle habits and postures. 

In all other situations, your pelvic floor physiotherapist will be able to refer you to the appropriate professional to best help you.


Your sex therapist can support you in your quest for intimate, sexual and/or relational well-being, following an upsetting or difficult event. You can consult her individually or as a couple. Following an assessment, she will determine whether she can help you, in the context of the helping relationship process.
Your sex therapist will help you identify the cause(s) of your reduced sexual desire and/or pleasure. She will then support you in your search for solutions adapted to your situation, at your own pace. She uses a variety of approaches that recognize that you are the expert in your own reality, and that you have all the resources within you to achieve your well-being. The sex therapist will guide you through this journey, using her knowledge, know-how and skills, while suggesting practical exercises for you to carry out.
In all situations involving the physical health of the pelvic floor, your sexologist will refer you to a physiotherapist specializing in perineal and pelvic rehabilitation.

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