
How Can I Help my Child?

​If your child has Legg-Calves-Perthes, an experienced pediatric physiotherapist at Active Solution Physiotherapy will develop treatment specifically for your child.


In LCP part of the hip bone, the femoral head, loses all or part of its blood supply and thus dies. This occurs in children age 5 to 9 with a higher incidence in boys than girls.

There are 4 stages to the disease. The early stage is characterized by pain and limping, which worsens with activity and decreases with rest. Then the head of the femur begins to soften and deform, which leads to a clear loss in hip mobility. In the third stage new bone grows over the femoral head and symptoms gradually improve. This stage can last 1 to 3 years. In the last stage, the Femoral Head has been reformed, but with some abnormalities. The good news is that the child can go back to their normal activities, usually without significant problems.

Some signs and symptoms that your child may have SCFES include:

Pain at the groin, hip or knee


Loss of thigh muscle size

Decreased movement of the hip


The root cause of LCP is not well understood.


If you observe any signs or symptoms you suspect to be abnormal in your child, an evaluation by an experienced pediatric physiotherapist at Active Solution Physiotherapy Verdun can help determine if Legg-Calves-Perthes is present. Physiotherapy can help maintain and/or increase hip movement throughout the different stages of the condition. During the Symptomatic Phase, your child will most likely have activity restrictions. Your physiotherapist will develop an exercise program to prevent major loss in muscle strength or function.

Treatment Options


Song, Kit M MD, Staheli, Lynn T MD (2007). Pediatric Orthopaedic Secrets, 3rd edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc.

Campbell, S. Vander Linden, D. Palisano, R. (2006). Physical Therapy for Children, 3rd edition. St. Louis: Elsevier Inc.
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