Deep Tissue Massage

Relieve Your Muscle Knots and Tension!

We are pleased to offer Verdun, Ville-Émard, and the South-West of Montreal the opportunity to experience our deep tissue massage!


This massage technique aimed at helping to relieve chronic muscular tension is generally practiced without or with very little oil, by applying firm, and slow pressure to target the deep layers of muscle and fascia. A technique well appreciated by athletes and physically active people!


Relaxation of muscles stiffness

Relief from chronic and acute pain

Relief from chronic and acute pain

Helps with flexibility

Relaxation and general well-being

Improves posture

Promotes good circulation


Après avoir récolté les informations pertinentes sur vos besoins et votre état de santé, votre thérapeute commencera à réchauffer la/les zones ciblées à masser avec des pressions plus lentes et plus douces. L’intensité de la pression augmente graduellement. Il est important de communiquer avec votre massothérapeute si quelque chose vous gêne afin que vous puissiez rester détendu(e). Le massage est pratiqué avec les mains, avant-bras, jointures et coudes.


Offer relaxation to one of your loved ones with our gift certificates. On sale in our clinics where you will choose the amount that corresponds to your budget. No expiration date and valid in all of our locations, for the service of your choice. Your gift will please anyone who receives it who simply wants to enjoy a moment for themselves.