
Dana Dufour

Pht, MSc, Dip. MDT


After receiving her diploma as a Physical Rehabilitation Therapist from the CEGEP Marie-Victorin in 2011, Dana decided to continue her studies at the University of Montreal in order to improve her independence in the field of physiotherapy. She received her Masters of Science in Physiotherapy where she excelled, receiving the Award of Excellent in Clinical Internship form the Professional Order of Physiotherapy of Quebec.

Dana chose this profession as a result of an internal need to help others.She discovered that the primary goal, beyond decreasing pain, was to help her patients recover function and regain control of their body in their daily life, sports, activities and work. In her first continuing education courses in the McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), she understood the power of this treatment approach to accomplish her goal. She received her certification in this approach in 2017. In February 2020, she was admitted to the Mckenzie Institute International Diploma Program to reach the highest level of study for this treatment approach. She finally graduated in 2022. Thus, she is focusing on using this system as she works with her clients suffering from various musculoskeletal problems. In her opinion, education is the heart of rehabilitation. It permits the individuals to have a better understanding of their problem and increases their control over their condition.

Dana's desire for learning doesn't stop there! In addition to her many years of study of the McKenzie method, she has completed her pelvic floor course to help women to resume their activities following childbirth. This course has allowed her to help even more people. 

Dana advocates the promotion of health through the use of all forms of arts and/or sports. She believes that health is not just a functional body, but a body and a mind that are open to new experiences and personal growth.