Vaginismus support group

Join us for mutual support

We invite you to participate in our vaginismus support group, where you'll find a supportive environment to exchange, learn, and grow together. Confidentiality and respect are our priorities, ensuring a safe environment for all participants.

For more information and to register, contact us today. Together, we can overcome the challenges of vaginismus and promote a better quality of life.

General information

Vaginismus and the role of social support

Vaginismus is a condition characterized by the inability or difficulty to penetrate the vagina, often due to involuntary contractions of the muscles surrounding the vaginal opening. This reaction can make sexual intercourse painful or impossible, significantly impacting the sexual and relational lives of those affected.

Social support plays a crucial role in managing the symptoms of vaginismus. Interacting with others who share similar experiences provides a space for emotional support, exchange of information and strategies, and helps break isolation. Together, we explore ways to navigate the challenges associated with vaginismus, while building resilience and self-esteem.

How does support group works

Our support group takes place online and is facilitated by a qualified sexologist who is a member of OPSQ. Each session lasts approximately one hour and consists of six meetings in total. While the sexologist provides specialized information, the focus is on creating a safe and open space where participants can share experiences, challenges, and successes.

Topics include:

Understanding vaginismus

Detailed exploration of the condition, including physical and psychological factors contributing to vaginismus.

Overview of treatment options

Information on the various therapeutic and medical approaches available to treat vaginismus.

Communication strategies

Techniques for improving communication with partners and healthcare professionals about vaginismus.

Impact on self-esteem and body image

Discussion of the psychological impact of vaginismus on self-esteem and body perceptions.

Anxiety and stress management

Practices and exercises to reduce anxiety and tension related to vaginismus.

Impact on intimacy and sexuality

Exploring the specific challenges vaginismus poses to intimate relationships and sexuality, as well as strategies for overcoming them.

Processing languages available





Support group registration